Roles & Responsibilities
Roles & Responsibilities of Executive Engineer's Office - Deniyaya;
- Maintain the National Highways in Deniyaya division at an acceptable condition.
- Achieve an acceptable level of mobility in the National Highway Network.
- Provide road safety for the road users in national highways.
- Reduce road user cost.
- Minimize accidents.
- Ensure efficient utilization of RDA assets and investments.
- Ensure protection of the environment in all activities.
- Optimum usage of Funds.
- Stop encroaching RDA properties from outsiders.
- Issuing License for the building within the building limit.
- Informing public in case of road impassable.
- Promote organizational development.
- Assist in the development of the local road construction industry.
- Maintain proper system for Road/ Bridge Inventories, Progress Financial reports.